Yvonne Arlott

Woodturning Artist

FAQ About Seasoning Wood

As I've found out, seasoning wood is one of the most important aspects of woodturning and if it isn't done then the finished articles could potentially warp or crack. People not familiar with wood or woodturning often assume I just pick up and turn any old wood lying about but a lot of time and care needs to go into the preparation of the wood before you even begin turning.

The trouble is if turners do not season the wood properly and then go onto sell any items they've made out of it, the items will almost certainly warp or crack which in turn gives woodturners as a whole a bad reputation. Yet from my conversations with a number of turners I always get the impression the seasoning of wood is a subject they know the least about. I've been asked numerous questions about it and have posted the most frequently asked questions below together with brief answers. Seasoning wood is a huge subject and there is a lot more to learn about it than I've posted here.


Safety Warning

Turning can be dangerous. I expect you to be fully aware of the potential dangers and to take adequate precautions. If you follow any of the advice I have given you do so entirely at your own risk and I cannot be held responsible for any injuries or mishaps that may occur.



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Woodturning DVD

The Woodturning DVD called Lacework Techniques with Yvonne Arlott continues to sell all round the world.



Internationally Known Woodturner